Music Devices
Does your Music & Memory program use the SanDisk® Clip Jam mp3 player? Comparable in price and functionality to the Apple iPod, this popular, lightweight player is one of our recommended music devices for good reason. It can store up to 8GB of music (about 2,000 songs) and has a battery life of 18 hours. Not bad for a music player that usually retails for under forty dollars! However, using the SanDisk does require some extra effort to set up and use with iTunes. Here are the main considerations: iTunes uses a specific type of music file, AAC (also called…
Does your Music & Memory program use the SanDisk® Clip Jam MP3 Player? Comparable in price and functionality to the Apple iPod, this popular, lightweight player is one of our recommended music devices for good reason. It can store up to 8GB of music (about 2,000 songs) and has a battery life of 18 hours, plus it can play audio files in lots of formats, including MP3, WMA, AAC (DRM-free iTunes) and Audible. It even allows for transfer of music from iTunes- not bad for a device that usually retails for under forty dollars! The SanDisk is listed in our…
As an alternative to Apple products, Music & Memory recommends the SanDisk® Clip Jam MP3 Player (Item #SDMX26-008G). Comparable in price and functionality to the iPod Shuffle, this multi-platform device stores 8 gigabytes of music and allows for transfer of music with iTunes. On-Demand Training for the SanDisk® Clip Jam MP3 Player Videos introducing use of the SanDisk® Clip Jam MP3 Player with iTunes are available in the Care Community. Topics include device operation instructions and how to transfer playlists and music from iTunes. Below are links to the videos in Youtube if you wish to share: Unpacking the SanDisk® Clip Jam MP3 Player…